
Creating default object from empty value
#0: 2
#1: Creating default object from empty value
#2: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/includes/frame.class.php
#3: 346
#4: Array ( [db] => Database Object ( [log:Database:private] => Zend_Log Object ( [_priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => EMERG [1] => ALERT [2] => CRIT [3] => ERR [4] => WARN [5] => NOTICE [6] => INFO [7] => DEBUG ) [_writers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Log_Writer_Stream Object ( [_stream:protected] => Resource id #29 [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_formatter:protected] => Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple Object ( [_format:protected] => %timestamp% %priorityName% (%priority%): %message% ) ) ) [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_extras:protected] => Array ( ) ) [querycount] => 3 [query_log] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [query] => SELECT * FROM frame_registry WHERE type = 'global' [id] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE d.url = 'specialplate.nl' AND d.website_id = s.website_id AND s.active = 'true' [id] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE s.active = 'true' AND d.website_id = s.website_id ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 [id] => 0 ) ) [time_log] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [query] => SELECT * FROM frame_registry WHERE type = 'global' [startTime] => 0.76421900 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76431600 1726870470 [totalTime] => 9.7000000000014E-5 ) [2] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE d.url = 'specialplate.nl' AND d.website_id = s.website_id AND s.active = 'true' [startTime] => 0.76466100 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76473500 1726870470 [totalTime] => 7.4000000000018E-5 ) [3] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE s.active = 'true' AND d.website_id = s.website_id ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 [startTime] => 0.76476000 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76482500 1726870470 [totalTime] => 6.4999999999982E-5 ) ) [pdo] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [queryd] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE s.active = 'true' AND d.website_id = s.website_id ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 [id] => 0 ) [cfg] => Array ( [base_postfix] => [path] => /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/ [backend] => beheer/ [upload_path] => uploads/ [upload_directory] => uploads/ [backend_after_login] => page/ [mysql] => Array ( [prefix] => frame_ [host] => localhost [user] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [database] => specia01_shop ) [admin] => Array ( [is_multilang] => 1 [default_lang] => [compact] => [hide_title] => ) [title] => Special Plates [email_from] => info@specialplates.nl [email_from_name] => Special Plates [debug] => 1 [debug_strict] => [timer] => Array ( [frontend] => %time% [backend] => %time% ) [url_seperator] => / [thumbs_per_row] => 4 [editor_settings] => [utf8] => 1 [disable_lang_redirect] => [router] => 1 [order.mod] => Array ( [email] => Array ( ) ) [date] => d-m-Y H:i [default_locale] => nl_NL [upload_extensions] => Array ( [0] => gif [1] => png [2] => jpg [3] => jpeg [4] => swf [5] => pdf [6] => doc [7] => xls [8] => ppt [9] => pps [10] => txt [11] => avi [12] => wmv [13] => mov [14] => mp4 [15] => mp3 [16] => mp2 [17] => 3gp [18] => mpeg [19] => mpg [20] => exe [21] => zip [22] => rar ) [company_name] => 1+1 media [company_url] => http://www.1plus1media.nl/ [support_email] => support@1plus1media.nl [appname] => 1+1 CMS [version] => 1.6.128 [autoload] => Array ( [directories] => Array ( [0] => client/system/modules/%package%/ [1] => system/modules/%package%/ [2] => system/classes/%package%/ [3] => client/system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [4] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/ [5] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [6] => system/%type%/%package%/ ) [ignore] => Array ( [0] => pear_error ) [compatibility] => Array ( [Backend_HTML] => Frame_Backend_HTML [Database_Format] => Frame_Database_Format [Database_Iterator] => Frame_Database_Iterator [Database_Model] => Frame_Database_Model [Database_Table] => Frame_Database_Table [Database_Zend_Row] => Frame_Database_Zend_Row [Database_Zend_Rowset] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [Database_Zend_Table] => Frame_Database_Zend_Table ) [exceptions] => ) ) [mainUrl] => specialplate.nl [query] => Resource id #50 [row] => Array ( [url] => specialplates.nl [domain_id] => 1 [website_id] => 1 [lang_id] => 1 [page_id] => 0 [title] => Special Plates [alias] => sp [active] => true ) )
  1.             {
  2.                 while ($row $db->fetch ($query))
  3.                 {
  4.                     $this->website->current     $row['website_id'];
  5.                     $this->website->url         $row['url'];
  6.                     $this->website->lang_id     $row['lang_id'];
  7.                     $this->website->page_id     $row['page_id'];
#0: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/includes/system.inc.php


Creating default object from empty value
#0: 2
#1: Creating default object from empty value
#2: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/includes/frame.class.php
#3: 425
#4: Array ( [cfg] => Array ( [base_postfix] => [path] => /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/ [backend] => beheer/ [upload_path] => client/sp/uploads/ [upload_directory] => client/sp/uploads/ [backend_after_login] => page/ [mysql] => Array ( [prefix] => frame_ [host] => localhost [user] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [database] => specia01_shop ) [admin] => Array ( [is_multilang] => 1 [default_lang] => [compact] => [hide_title] => ) [title] => Special Plates [email_from] => info@specialplates.nl [email_from_name] => Special Plates [debug] => 1 [debug_strict] => [timer] => Array ( [frontend] => %time% [backend] => %time% ) [url_seperator] => / [thumbs_per_row] => 4 [editor_settings] => [utf8] => 1 [disable_lang_redirect] => [router] => 1 [order.mod] => Array ( [email] => Array ( ) ) [date] => d-m-Y H:i [default_locale] => nl_NL [upload_extensions] => Array ( [0] => gif [1] => png [2] => jpg [3] => jpeg [4] => swf [5] => pdf [6] => doc [7] => xls [8] => ppt [9] => pps [10] => txt [11] => avi [12] => wmv [13] => mov [14] => mp4 [15] => mp3 [16] => mp2 [17] => 3gp [18] => mpeg [19] => mpg [20] => exe [21] => zip [22] => rar ) [company_name] => 1+1 media [company_url] => http://www.1plus1media.nl/ [support_email] => support@1plus1media.nl [appname] => 1+1 CMS [version] => 1.6.128 [autoload] => Array ( [directories] => Array ( [0] => client/system/modules/%package%/ [1] => system/modules/%package%/ [2] => system/classes/%package%/ [3] => client/system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [4] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/ [5] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [6] => system/%type%/%package%/ ) [ignore] => Array ( [0] => pear_error ) [compatibility] => Array ( [Backend_HTML] => Frame_Backend_HTML [Database_Format] => Frame_Database_Format [Database_Iterator] => Frame_Database_Iterator [Database_Model] => Frame_Database_Model [Database_Table] => Frame_Database_Table [Database_Zend_Row] => Frame_Database_Zend_Row [Database_Zend_Rowset] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [Database_Zend_Table] => Frame_Database_Zend_Table ) [exceptions] => ) [base] => http://specialplate.nl/ ) [activeLanguages] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset Object ( [_data:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_pointer:protected] => 0 [_count:protected] => 1 [_rows:protected] => Array ( [0] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row Object ( [_dataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_cleanDataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_modifiedFieldsLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_data:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_cleanData:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_modifiedFields:protected] => Array ( ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) ) ) [_stored:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => ) [hiddenLanguages] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset Object ( [_data:protected] => Array ( ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_pointer:protected] => 0 [_count:protected] => 0 [_rows:protected] => Array ( ) [_stored:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => ) [activeLanguageTags] => Array ( [1] => nl ) [hiddenLanguageTags] => Array ( ) [languageRow] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row Object ( [_dataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_cleanDataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_modifiedFieldsLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_data:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_cleanData:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_modifiedFields:protected] => Array ( ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) ) [parameter] => informatie [language] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row Object ( [_dataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_cleanDataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_modifiedFieldsLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_data:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_cleanData:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_modifiedFields:protected] => Array ( ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) ) )
  2.                     $language $activeLanguages->first();
  4.                     $this->lang->isMultilang false;
  5.                 }
  6.                 else
  7.                 {
#0: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/includes/system.inc.php


Creating default object from empty value
#0: 2
#1: Creating default object from empty value
#2: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/classes/Frame/Compatibility/Frame.php
#3: 75
#4: Array ( [module] => page [type] => default [template] => [args] => [block] => content [tempModule] => module_page_default Object ( [template] => [frame] => [args] => [def] => [data] => [page_id] => ) [module_dir] => system/modules/page.mod/frontend/ [this] => Frame Object ( [_router:Frame:private] => Frame_Page_Router Object ( ) [_page:Frame:private] => [_language:Frame:private] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row Object ( [_dataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_cleanDataLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_modifiedFieldsLang:protected] => Array ( ) [_data:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_cleanData:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [iso_language] => nl [iso_country] => NL [tag] => nl [flag] => nl [sort] => 0 [locale] => [active] => true ) [_modifiedFields:protected] => Array ( ) [_table:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages Object ( [_rowClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages_Row [_name:protected] => frame_languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) [_sorting:protected] => 1 [_sortGroup:protected] => Array ( ) [_fieldActiveValues:protected] => Array ( [0] => true [1] => hidden [2] => false ) [_rowsetClass:protected] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [_tableLang:protected] => _lang [_fieldLangId:protected] => lang_id [_fieldActive:protected] => active [_fieldSort:protected] => sort [_multilang:protected] => [_multilang_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [_lang_id:protected] => [_db:protected] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [_schema:protected] => [_cols:protected] => Array ( [0] => lang_id [1] => title [2] => iso_language [3] => iso_country [4] => tag [5] => flag [6] => sort [7] => locale [8] => active ) [_identity:protected] => 1 [_sequence:protected] => 1 [_metadata:protected] => Array ( [lang_id] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => lang_id [COLUMN_POSITION] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => 1 [PRIMARY_POSITION] => 1 [IDENTITY] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => title [COLUMN_POSITION] => 2 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_language] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_language [COLUMN_POSITION] => 3 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [iso_country] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => iso_country [COLUMN_POSITION] => 4 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [tag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => tag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 5 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 255 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [flag] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => flag [COLUMN_POSITION] => 6 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 2 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [sort] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => sort [COLUMN_POSITION] => 7 [DATA_TYPE] => int [DEFAULT] => 0 [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [locale] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => locale [COLUMN_POSITION] => 8 [DATA_TYPE] => varchar [DEFAULT] => [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => 5 [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) [active] => Array ( [SCHEMA_NAME] => [TABLE_NAME] => frame_languages [COLUMN_NAME] => active [COLUMN_POSITION] => 9 [DATA_TYPE] => enum('true','false','hidden') [DEFAULT] => true [NULLABLE] => [LENGTH] => [SCALE] => [PRECISION] => [UNSIGNED] => [PRIMARY] => [PRIMARY_POSITION] => [IDENTITY] => ) ) [_metadataCache:protected] => [_metadataCacheInClass:protected] => 1 [_referenceMap:protected] => Array ( ) [_dependentTables:protected] => Array ( ) [_defaultSource:protected] => defaultNone [_defaultValues:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_connected:protected] => 1 [_readOnly:protected] => [_tableClass:protected] => Frame_Model_Languages [_primary:protected] => Array ( [1] => lang_id ) ) [website] => stdClass Object ( [current] => 1 [url] => specialplates.nl [lang_id] => 1 [page_id] => 0 [domain_id] => 1 [title] => Special Plates [alias] => sp ) [log] => Zend_Log Object ( [_priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => EMERG [1] => ALERT [2] => CRIT [3] => ERR [4] => WARN [5] => NOTICE [6] => INFO [7] => DEBUG ) [_writers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Log_Writer_Stream Object ( [_stream:protected] => Resource id #72 [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_formatter:protected] => Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple Object ( [_format:protected] => %timestamp% (%priorityName%) ( %message% URI: informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6 ************** ) ) ) [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_extras:protected] => Array ( ) ) [_systemLog:Frame:private] => Zend_Log Object ( [_priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => EMERG [1] => ALERT [2] => CRIT [3] => ERR [4] => WARN [5] => NOTICE [6] => INFO [7] => DEBUG ) [_writers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Log_Writer_Stream Object ( [_stream:protected] => Resource id #43 [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_formatter:protected] => Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple Object ( [_format:protected] => %timestamp% %priorityName%: %message% ) ) ) [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_extras:protected] => Array ( ) ) [modules] => [lang] => stdClass Object ( [isMultilang] => [current] => 1 [title] => Nederlands [tag] => nl [locale] => nl_NL ) [error] => Error Object ( [errors] => Array ( ) ) [cfg] => Array ( [base_postfix] => [path] => /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/ [backend] => beheer/ [upload_path] => uploads/ [upload_directory] => uploads/ [backend_after_login] => page/ [mysql] => Array ( [prefix] => frame_ [host] => localhost [user] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [database] => specia01_shop ) [admin] => Array ( [is_multilang] => 1 [default_lang] => [compact] => [hide_title] => ) [title] => Special Plates [email_from] => info@specialplates.nl [email_from_name] => Special Plates [debug] => 1 [debug_strict] => [timer] => Array ( [frontend] => %time% [backend] => %time% ) [url_seperator] => / [thumbs_per_row] => 4 [editor_settings] => [utf8] => 1 [disable_lang_redirect] => [router] => 1 [order.mod] => Array ( [email] => Array ( ) ) [date] => d-m-Y H:i [default_locale] => nl_NL [upload_extensions] => Array ( [0] => gif [1] => png [2] => jpg [3] => jpeg [4] => swf [5] => pdf [6] => doc [7] => xls [8] => ppt [9] => pps [10] => txt [11] => avi [12] => wmv [13] => mov [14] => mp4 [15] => mp3 [16] => mp2 [17] => 3gp [18] => mpeg [19] => mpg [20] => exe [21] => zip [22] => rar ) [company_name] => 1+1 media [company_url] => http://www.1plus1media.nl/ [support_email] => support@1plus1media.nl [appname] => 1+1 CMS [version] => 1.6.128 [autoload] => Array ( [directories] => Array ( [0] => client/system/modules/%package%/ [1] => system/modules/%package%/ [2] => system/classes/%package%/ [3] => client/system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [4] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/ [5] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [6] => system/%type%/%package%/ ) [ignore] => Array ( [0] => pear_error ) [compatibility] => Array ( [Backend_HTML] => Frame_Backend_HTML [Database_Format] => Frame_Database_Format [Database_Iterator] => Frame_Database_Iterator [Database_Model] => Frame_Database_Model [Database_Table] => Frame_Database_Table [Database_Zend_Row] => Frame_Database_Zend_Row [Database_Zend_Rowset] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [Database_Zend_Table] => Frame_Database_Zend_Table ) [exceptions] => ) ) [templates] => [dynamic] => Dynamic Object ( [title] => ) [output] => [modules_id] => [url] => informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie [filename] => index [ajax] => [request_reference_id] => [active_url_arr] => Array ( ) [_buildUrlParameters:Frame:private] => Array ( [category_id] => 6 ) [functions] => Functions Object ( ) [registry] => Frame_Registry Object ( [buffer:Frame_Registry:private] => Array ( [global] => Array ( [homepage_1] => 10 [errorpage_1] => 2 ) ) ) [json] => Services_JSON Object ( [use] => 0 ) [event] => Frame_Event Object ( [frame:Frame_Event:private] => Frame Object *RECURSION* [events:Frame_Event:private] => Array ( ) ) ) [module_class] => module_page_default [module_def_class] => module_def_page [tempModuleDef] => module_def_page Object ( [title] => Pagina [description] => Pagina module [default_active] => 1 ) )
  1.             $tempModuleDef = new $module_def_class ();
  2.             // assign module to template object
  3.             $template->module $tempModule;
  4.             // assign system objects
  5.             $tempModule->template $template;
#0: page
#1: default
#4: content
#0: page
#1: default
#4: content
#0: content
#1: page
#2: default


Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/classes/Frame/Debug.php:675)
#0: 2
#1: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/classes/Frame/Debug.php:675)
#2: /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/system/modules/page.mod/frontend/page.default.mod.php
#3: 251
#4: Array ( [load_404] => 1 [db] => Database Object ( [log:Database:private] => Zend_Log Object ( [_priorities:protected] => Array ( [0] => EMERG [1] => ALERT [2] => CRIT [3] => ERR [4] => WARN [5] => NOTICE [6] => INFO [7] => DEBUG ) [_writers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Log_Writer_Stream Object ( [_stream:protected] => Resource id #29 [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_formatter:protected] => Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple Object ( [_format:protected] => %timestamp% %priorityName% (%priority%): %message% ) ) ) [_filters:protected] => Array ( ) [_extras:protected] => Array ( ) ) [querycount] => 11 [query_log] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [query] => SELECT * FROM frame_registry WHERE type = 'global' [id] => 0 ) [2] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE d.url = 'specialplate.nl' AND d.website_id = s.website_id AND s.active = 'true' [id] => 0 ) [3] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE s.active = 'true' AND d.website_id = s.website_id ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 [id] => 0 ) [4] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '10' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [5] => Array ( [query] => SELECT p.page_id, p.template_id, p.link_id, p.ssl, l.alias, l.title, l.seo_title, l.seo_description, l.seo_keywords FROM frame_pages AS p, frame_pages_lang AS l WHERE l.alias='informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/' AND p.active <> 'false' AND l.page_id = p.page_id AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [6] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '2' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [7] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '10' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [8] => Array ( [query] => SELECT p.page_id, p.template_id, p.link_id, p.ssl, l.alias, l.title, l.seo_title, l.seo_description, l.seo_keywords FROM frame_pages AS p, frame_pages_lang AS l WHERE l.alias='pagina_niet_gevonden/' AND p.active <> 'false' AND l.page_id = p.page_id AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [9] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '0' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [id] => 0 ) [10] => Array ( [query] => SELECT group_id, page_id FROM frame_mod_members_page_access WHERE page_id = '2' [id] => 0 ) [11] => Array ( [query] => SELECT file FROM frame_templates WHERE template_id='0' [id] => 0 ) ) [time_log] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [query] => SELECT * FROM frame_registry WHERE type = 'global' [startTime] => 0.76421900 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76431600 1726870470 [totalTime] => 9.7000000000014E-5 ) [2] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE d.url = 'specialplate.nl' AND d.website_id = s.website_id AND s.active = 'true' [startTime] => 0.76466100 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76473500 1726870470 [totalTime] => 7.4000000000018E-5 ) [3] => Array ( [query] => SELECT d.url, d.domain_id, d.website_id, d.lang_id, d.page_id, s.title, s.alias, s.active FROM frame_domains AS d, frame_sites AS s WHERE s.active = 'true' AND d.website_id = s.website_id ORDER BY website_id LIMIT 1 [startTime] => 0.76476000 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.76482500 1726870470 [totalTime] => 6.4999999999982E-5 ) [4] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '10' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80223000 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80240800 1726870470 [totalTime] => 0.00017800000000001 ) [5] => Array ( [query] => SELECT p.page_id, p.template_id, p.link_id, p.ssl, l.alias, l.title, l.seo_title, l.seo_description, l.seo_keywords FROM frame_pages AS p, frame_pages_lang AS l WHERE l.alias='informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/' AND p.active <> 'false' AND l.page_id = p.page_id AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80246700 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80319700 1726870470 [totalTime] => 0.00073000000000001 ) [6] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '2' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80324400 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80333800 1726870470 [totalTime] => 9.4000000000038E-5 ) [7] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '10' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80338100 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80346300 1726870470 [totalTime] => 8.2000000000026E-5 ) [8] => Array ( [query] => SELECT p.page_id, p.template_id, p.link_id, p.ssl, l.alias, l.title, l.seo_title, l.seo_description, l.seo_keywords FROM frame_pages AS p, frame_pages_lang AS l WHERE l.alias='pagina_niet_gevonden/' AND p.active <> 'false' AND l.page_id = p.page_id AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80349000 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80357300 1726870470 [totalTime] => 8.2999999999944E-5 ) [9] => Array ( [query] => SELECT l.alias FROM frame_pages_lang AS l, frame_pages AS p WHERE l.page_id = '0' AND l.lang_id = '1' AND p.website_id = '1' [startTime] => 0.80359700 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80367500 1726870470 [totalTime] => 7.8000000000022E-5 ) [10] => Array ( [query] => SELECT group_id, page_id FROM frame_mod_members_page_access WHERE page_id = '2' [startTime] => 0.80372700 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80380900 1726870470 [totalTime] => 8.2000000000026E-5 ) [11] => Array ( [query] => SELECT file FROM frame_templates WHERE template_id='0' [startTime] => 0.80422700 1726870470 [endTime] => 0.80432900 1726870470 [totalTime] => 0.00010199999999994 ) ) [pdo] => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object ( [_pdoType:protected] => mysql [_numericDataTypes:protected] => Array ( [0] => 0 [1] => 1 [2] => 2 [INT] => 0 [INTEGER] => 0 [MEDIUMINT] => 0 [SMALLINT] => 0 [TINYINT] => 0 [BIGINT] => 1 [SERIAL] => 1 [DEC] => 2 [DECIMAL] => 2 [DOUBLE] => 2 [DOUBLE PRECISION] => 2 [FIXED] => 2 [FLOAT] => 2 ) [_defaultStmtClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo [_config:protected] => Array ( [host] => localhost [username] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [dbname] => specia01_shop [driver_options] => Array ( [1002] => SET NAMES UTF8; ) [options] => Array ( [caseFolding] => 0 [autoQuoteIdentifiers] => 1 ) ) [_fetchMode:protected] => 2 [_profiler:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler Object ( [_queryProfiles:protected] => Array ( [0] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => connect [_queryType:protected] => 1 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7742 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7747 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7748 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7755 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie/category_id=6') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7764 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_pages_routes` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7765 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7773 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_pages_routes`.* FROM `frame_pages_routes` WHERE (source_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie' OR rewrite_path = 'informatie/voorbeelden/client/sp/uploads/voorbeelden/collectie') AND (active = 'true') LIMIT 1 [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7776 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7778 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7781 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7793 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'true') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7796 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => DESCRIBE `frame_languages` [_queryType:protected] => 2 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7804 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7809 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => Zend_Db_Profiler_Query Object ( [_query:protected] => SELECT `frame_languages`.* FROM `frame_languages` WHERE (active = 'hidden') ORDER BY `sort` ASC [_queryType:protected] => 32 [_startedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7811 [_endedMicrotime:protected] => 1726870470.7812 [_boundParams:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_enabled:protected] => 1 [_filterElapsedSecs:protected] => [_filterTypes:protected] => ) [_defaultProfilerClass:protected] => Zend_Db_Profiler [_connection:protected] => PDO Object ( ) [_caseFolding:protected] => 0 [_autoQuoteIdentifiers:protected] => 1 ) [queryd] => SELECT file FROM frame_templates WHERE template_id='0' [id] => 0 ) [_params] => Array ( [0] => pagina_niet_gevonden ) [cfg] => Array ( [base_postfix] => [path] => /home/specia01/domains/specialplates.nl/public_html/ [backend] => beheer/ [upload_path] => client/sp/uploads/ [upload_directory] => client/sp/uploads/ [backend_after_login] => page/ [mysql] => Array ( [prefix] => frame_ [host] => localhost [user] => specia01_shop [password] => hJ780*bd [database] => specia01_shop ) [admin] => Array ( [is_multilang] => 1 [default_lang] => [compact] => [hide_title] => ) [title] => Special Plates [email_from] => info@specialplates.nl [email_from_name] => Special Plates [debug] => 1 [debug_strict] => [timer] => Array ( [frontend] => %time% [backend] => %time% ) [url_seperator] => / [thumbs_per_row] => 4 [editor_settings] => [utf8] => 1 [disable_lang_redirect] => [router] => 1 [order.mod] => Array ( [email] => Array ( ) ) [date] => d-m-Y H:i [default_locale] => nl_NL [upload_extensions] => Array ( [0] => gif [1] => png [2] => jpg [3] => jpeg [4] => swf [5] => pdf [6] => doc [7] => xls [8] => ppt [9] => pps [10] => txt [11] => avi [12] => wmv [13] => mov [14] => mp4 [15] => mp3 [16] => mp2 [17] => 3gp [18] => mpeg [19] => mpg [20] => exe [21] => zip [22] => rar ) [company_name] => 1+1 media [company_url] => http://www.1plus1media.nl/ [support_email] => support@1plus1media.nl [appname] => 1+1 CMS [version] => 1.6.128 [autoload] => Array ( [directories] => Array ( [0] => client/system/modules/%package%/ [1] => system/modules/%package%/ [2] => system/classes/%package%/ [3] => client/system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [4] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/ [5] => system/modules/%package_lowercase%.mod/%type%/ [6] => system/%type%/%package%/ ) [ignore] => Array ( [0] => pear_error ) [compatibility] => Array ( [Backend_HTML] => Frame_Backend_HTML [Database_Format] => Frame_Database_Format [Database_Iterator] => Frame_Database_Iterator [Database_Model] => Frame_Database_Model [Database_Table] => Frame_Database_Table [Database_Zend_Row] => Frame_Database_Zend_Row [Database_Zend_Rowset] => Frame_Database_Zend_Rowset [Database_Zend_Table] => Frame_Database_Zend_Table ) [exceptions] => ) [base] => http://specialplate.nl/ ) [redirect_to_admin] => [url] => pagina_niet_gevonden/ [_homepage] => 10 [value] => pagina_niet_gevonden [url_buffer] => pagina_niet_gevonden/ [query] => Resource id #83 [row] => Array ( [page_id] => 2 [template_id] => 0 [link_id] => 0 [ssl] => false [alias] => pagina_niet_gevonden/ [title] => Pagina niet gevonden [seo_title] => [seo_description] => [seo_keywords] => [link_path] => ) [access] => 1 [access_groups] => Array ( ) [_errorpage] => 2 [pageObject] => Frame_Page Object ( [_id:Frame_Page:private] => 2 [_title:Frame_Page:private] => Pagina niet gevonden [_seo_title:Frame_Page:private] => [_seo_description:Frame_Page:private] => [_seo_keywords:Frame_Page:private] => [_template:Frame_Page:private] => Frame_Page_Frontend_Template Object ( [_filename:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template:private] => index.php [_raw_output:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template:private] => [_page:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template_Abstract:private] => Frame_Page Object *RECURSION* ) [_crumbs:Frame_Page:private] => [_page_crumb:Frame_Page:private] => 1 [_ssl] => ) [templateObject] => Frame_Page_Frontend_Template Object ( [_filename:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template:private] => index.php [_raw_output:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template:private] => [_page:Frame_Page_Frontend_Template_Abstract:private] => Frame_Page Object ( [_id:Frame_Page:private] => 2 [_title:Frame_Page:private] => Pagina niet gevonden [_seo_title:Frame_Page:private] => [_seo_description:Frame_Page:private] => [_seo_keywords:Frame_Page:private] => [_template:Frame_Page:private] => Frame_Page_Frontend_Template Object *RECURSION* [_crumbs:Frame_Page:private] => [_page_crumb:Frame_Page:private] => 1 [_ssl] => ) ) )
#0: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
#0: 1
#0: Objec(Frame)
#0: page
#1: default
#4: content
#0: page
#1: default
#4: content
#0: content
#1: page
#2: default
Pagina niet gevonden - Special Plates | Specialplates.nl


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